The voyage to Palermo was comfortable and İ managed to sleep quite well on 4 neighbouring chairs in the Rome room. Palermo was beautiful, but quiet, it was Sunday morning. The only problem was that the few İtalians İ did meet, did not speak any English and could not help me with the directions to the train station. However İ soon ran into two American travelers with a Lonely Planet who also were searching for the station. İ helped them read the map and together we found the station. The train ride was beautiful, luxurious nearly empty carriages and to the left (when facing in the direction of the head of train) great views of the sea (sometimes only three meters away) and to the right views of mountains and villages. In Messina the train with me in it, embarked a ferry and soon we arrived at the Italian mainland. İ tried to find a cheap hotel, but did not succeed. Propably my view of cheap shifted slightly during my stay in Africa. İ decided to try to take a night train to Bari. Although not easy it was possible, but meant İ had to wait for two and a half hour in the middle of the night somewhere close to Napoli.

Sleeping on the boat to Patras was less comfortable then the one to Palermo, but much better than sleeping in a crowded night train. The floors of some decks were covered with carpet, what made a fine sleeping surface. If they had not wakened me at 4:00 to tell me İ had to disembark, İ would have had a nice night of sleep. When İ finished packing in hurry, it turned out it was not the final destination yet so İ could go back to sleep. The bus brought me to famous Athens. İ already had chosen a place to stay and this time it was easy to find. My brother text messaged İ should stay a while in Athens, so he could spend some well deserved free time with his girlfriend İljoesja before İ would stir things up. This seems not hard to do, Athens is a big city and supposedly there is a lot to see and do. İ was bored with it after 2 days though and took the ferry to Rhodes 2 days early anyway. Maybe the city was not what İ wished for, but that did not apply to the roommates İ had the second night. The three Americans shared their wine and cookies with me and we had a wonderful time. We even managed to get a warning of the police for being to loud, which we were not of course, but that might also have been because the police station were all around us and they had nothing (better to do). İ had planned to watch the final of the champions league, İ was particular interested because İ was in the final of the paidiagames champions league as well. My team did excellent without my attention, Taco text messaged me that and Barcelona and my team Victoria Ceilero had claimed victory. A good night. The next day İ went to Piraeus to take a ferry to Rhodes.
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