In Xiahe I do not much but eating, sleeping and hanging around. It is a great place for it though. In Xiahe the streets are dominated by monks and people in rough Tibetan clothes. The faces of the people look battered by sun and cold. Tomorrow we will start cycling again, we are heading south.

The monastary.

This old lady makes an attempt to spin all 1200 prayerwheels at the monastary.

The guesthouse we stay is, apart from us, only populated by locals, these two people are my neighbours. We have taken some dry wood from them to light the stoves in our rooms. Unfortunately my stove was leaking, so all my things smell to smoke now, which is probably an improvement. This morning I tried to shower in an other guesthouse by giving the impression I stayed there. No problems emerged, but the water was freezing cold. I felt not so brave to jump under.

These 2 monks and the monkey in the middle were photographed by a third monk. The camera always is a great tool to make contact.
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