After breakfast with the 2 Americans, I take the bus to the trainstation to verify the girls claim. Halfway the ride a chinese girl indicates that I should switch to an other bus and just when I have done so, the bus refuses to start. Together with 2 others I push the bus and after a couple of tries the engine is working again. At the trainstation I am overwhelmed by the number of people queuing up. I estimate 2000 chinese are waiting for the 34 ticketboxes. One, number 11, has a sign "For Foreign guest" and I queue up. One and a half hour later I am served and to my surprise I can get on the next train and I have the option to get a hard sleeper. I promptly pay and hurry back to the hostel. The train will leave in one and a half hour and my hostel is on the other side of town. An hour later I am back on the station. I do not like taking taxis but this time I make use of them and fortunately they step on it.
I soon discover that a hard sleeper is much more comfortable than the hard seat. The 38 hour journey will, not even remotely be as hard as the 20 hour trip to Lanzhou earlier. It is a pity, however that the man sleeping in the bed next to me is snoring like there is no tomorrow. The windows are trembling in their slots everytime he breaths in. It is not till very early I finally fall a sleep. I kill time by working on my guru shirt, the number of holes do not seem to diminish though and reading the last part of my book of Jules Verne. The second morning, September 29, I arrive in Shanghai. Although Marieke has advised me to take subway line 1 and 2, I think I know better and I take line 3. For a change I am right and I text Marieke, she can pick me up at Zongshan Park, when she likes.
In the afternoon we go to a PSB for my visa. When we finally find it, a doormen shows us a note which says I have to go to a different place. It already is close to 16:30 so we take a taxi to get me there before the weekend (and the week holiday) starts. I am swiftly served but apparantly I need a yellow registration form, before they will process my request, fortunately they are also open the next day and my visa seems to be still valid on that day. This form is to be got at the local police office. Although the woman behind the counter assures me it is simple to acquire, the next day this statement proves to be a little beside the truth. After going back and forth to the policestation with different people and documentation, we give up to try to have Mariekes appartment as the place I stay. I end up renting a room in a hotel, where without any problem I get my yellow registration form. We hurry to 1500 Mingsheng road, where now without problems my case is accepted. I can pick up my passport on the 10th!! Because I only had a visa for one month, they are not willing to extend it with more than that, meaning that within 20 days after receiving my extension I will have to reapply for the last time.
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