Monday, March 20, 2006

A shitty start

Yesterday I met Julien again, I knew him from when I went for a visa at the Mali embassy, when I had just arrived in Dakar. Together we went to an expensive hotel to sit on the terrace at the shore. We both bought an expensive coke to be allowed to sit there. Afterwards we went together with Alioune, a local guy, to Ile de Ngor. On the island I met an Iranian woman and I asked her about the situation in her country. She advised me not to go as there still was a lot of aggression to white people. She could not provide me with an address to stay and to use to invite me to the country as she and all her family would be out the country in a few months. In the evening we ate at street at one of the many little stalls and afterwards I returned to the centre.

At the place I walk propably 10 times a day, two guys tried to rob me. At first they tried to sell me something, no idea what it was. When I said I was not interested one guy grabbed my right leg and hung onto it. The other one tried to grab my wallet from my front pocket of my pants. While I kept my left hand on my pocket I hit the guy on my leg with my right hand, yelling that they should get lost. After a few seconds, they saw that they were not succeeding and gave up their attempt. A bit shocked I followed my way to cybercafe. A now have removed my last bankcard from my wallet and put it also in my moneybelt, that is concealed in my pants. If they will ever steal my wallet, they will only have a small amount of cash, that is maximum the amount I usually spend in a day.

The next day I woke up with a light pain in my stomach and a strong urge to go to the toilet. Just when I put my feet on the floor I shit in my paints. One moment I considered running for the toilet down the hall to offload the reste of my waste, but I knew that then all would and up in my underpants. I have a sort of urinoir in my room and made a dash for it. Just in time I arrived to drop the rest of my waste products. With the immediate urges out of the way, I cleaned my underpants in the sink, hoping that all I left in the urinoir, would flush away from it self. Unfortunately that was not the case. As I had not the intention to stir my shit with my finger, I searched for something that would do the job. The only thing I could find was my bic pen and it worked marvelous. It took ten minutes before all was gone, but by then you could not see anything of the accident anymore. I will not be using the pen anymore, but it was a shitty pen anyway.

After two visits to the toilet, my bowels felt they had done enough and I left for my daily visit of the train station. Ofcourse I went first for a banana at the market, where they now know me as monsieur banana. At the station I was positively surprised, because they were able to tell me the train would most definitely leave tomorrow at 13:50. This seemed a bit exact as they previously were not even able to tell what day it would leave. Added to that I was allowed to buy a ticket for the train. I choose first class, but without bed. I hope now that the train really goes and it was all worth while. Time will tell.

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