When I arrived at Mirleft by grand taxi, sharing the front passenger seat, I was a bit disappointed. I had expected a town at the beach but a beach could not be found. After walking half an hour to the sea I saw little pieces of sand between the rocks. This were not the beaches I was aiming for. After another half an hour I stumbled into something that resembled my view of a beach. It was not very crowded, which is fine, but I was hoping to meet people, only an elder Belgian couple was present with a camper. I headed back to town to have a late lunch. I also investigated how much a room would cost in a hotel. I thought this to be too expensive and decided to sleep on the beach. After buying some food and water I returned to the beach. A few kids now were playing football and invited me to join. They were technically skilled enough, but did not know much about tactics. Had a good time though, but after 2 hours, when most had left, I decided to quit. By now a bunch of Germans arrived with 4 campers and I invited myself to there little carnavals party even had some beer, which tasted good, but mainly because I did not have any for a month. At 11 party was over and I went to my sleeping place which turned out to be 10m, on the beach. Ofcourse I had not prepared anything, so I dropped at the first spot I did not feel, it was rather dark, too many rocks, although the little flashlight Iljoesja gave me just before I left Delft was very usefull. It took some time before I fell asleep, but was wakened rudely by rain at about 2. I gathered all my stuff around me and hid underneath my big raincape. This worked very well, but did not allow me to sleep. After an hour or so I took all up and walked to a nearby cave, where a Moroccan permanently lived. When I arrived I found out there were 2 caves and I took the one he was not in.
I was awaken by a German to invite me for a hot drink, which I accepted of course. Rest of the day I did not do much but reading and talking with other people on the beach.Although the sky still was not cloudless I tried another night at the beach, again the rain woke me up. Again I put all my stuff under the cape, now I had prepared for it so it went much faster than the night before. After only half an hour it was dry and I could go back to sleep. Later I was woken, again by water, this time the one already on the ground, the tide was coming in. Although at first still not to close, soon one wave came to about 10 cm of my feet. Time to climb a little higher. Unfortunately the surface was very rocky and I could not catch any sleep. So when the sea returned the land to me I went back to my old spot, which had not been flooded anyway, so was still dry (it had been for a large part under my cape, when it rained). It turned out that I was lucky that I had not slept in the cave, because this one was badly flooded.

For breakfast I was invited by another fisherman in his cave. I had tea and bread with oil which was quite nice. I put in my last orange. Before returning to Mirleft had a long walk south on the coastal rocks.
In Mirleft I ran into Dominic for the second time while I was drinking the very sweat Moroccan mint tea. Dominic had finished reading his book and I still had one to spare so we traded. For the moment he convinced me to going south into Mauritania and Mali, but I might change my mind as I have done so often on this subject lately. I made one litle effort in this direction I took the bus to Sidi Ifni, where I indulged myself by allowing me to sleep in a bed this time. I think I will stay here for a while, although there is not much to do or see, that actually suites me just fine right now.
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