I now am in Malaga and have not much done here, except for searching a proper place to sleep. Taco advised me to go to Picasso´s corner but after a long search I still had not found it. Later it became clear that the hostel was just in a move. Of course I do not carry maps or things like that so Taco´s second pick I could not find. Loads of different hotels in the area, but they were all too expensive in my view. Well I eventually settled for the Hotel Carlos V. Above budget and an awful room, but finally a place to drop my heavier backpack than was intended while it only has room for 35L. Today I searched for a new one, a hotel that is. Taco´s second pick was full, I now have a map, so I am in a dodgy place called Rosa´s Pension, I have not seen Rosa though, but as she is not so big she is of course hard to spot. Today I was at the beach where I met a guy, we spoke for a while and I asked him where he stayed, he told me he is in Rosa´s Pension as well. What is the chance of that? (My econometric friends do not have to answer that).
Today is really a computer day as this is already the second time I am in an internet café, earlier I have worked on correcting an error in my wielerspel tool for paidiagames.com (a little bit of advertisement for our site) . That is all right as I do not think Malaga to be an exiting place, although sitting in the sun with a beer is accommodated in abundance here.
Feb-07 I travelled by train from Barcalona to Cordoba. I took about 10 hours but this was ok as I could recapture some sleep, as I had to get op at 6:30 to catch the train. Also I could finish my just acquired book “The Shadow Of The Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. A book I really can recommend. It is about a boy whose father lets him chose any one book he likes from a secret library, but he then has to promise to take care of the book for the rest of his life. The boy chooses the book “The Shadow Of The Wind” by Julian Carax. Soon he becomes aware that quite a few people are interested in this book. He wants to know more about the book and its writer and because of this he gets in quite some adventures. So far this week book review.

When I arrived in Cordoba I started to doubt if this city was worth visiting. I thought I recalled that it had a beautiful old city, but I could no where find it. After walking for half an hour I finally caught a glimpse of an old wall. Still I was not impressed, but after a few blocks I was caught in a maze of beautiful streets. It was breath taking. Added to that I bumped into very nice old hostal, “El Portillo” it had only 7 rooms. The owners lived on the ground floor, the guests on the next. On the Feb the 8th before going to Malaga again by train I wandered through the old city and visited the mezquita/cathedral. It was huge! Not high but an enormous floor with I guess about 800 pillars carrying the ceiling. I did not read anything about the building, but I guess it at first was created by the Moors and after that turned into a church. What at first also struck me in Cordoba, were the orange trees. I am not used to seeing oranges just hanging in trees let alone in every street. They also are in Malaga and they may have also been in Barcalona and although I am now quite used to them, they still beats just regular Dutch trees.
Last time I wrote I was in Barcelona, I did not do much there either, visited the regular tourist spots, Parc Guell, Segrada Familia, not to Camp Nou, sounds a bit like treason to my football hobby, but I always can return ofcourse. Like Cordoba Barcelona is so clean and neat, that really impressed me. What I also notice is that the sun makes life so much better and friendlier at least in the places I visited so far. People are just strawling around, drinking something on a terrace. Life looks so much better in the sun. So I suggest instead of raising taxes or medical costs lets raise temperatures in Holland
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