In the evening we had a wonderful meal in a restaurant, which really was some ones home, it tasted good, and the atmosphere was nice as well. After that went to bed as we both were very tired.
Feb-18 my plan was to go to Volubulis an old roman city in ruins. However Fede did not feel like it and as I always can go to it later I decided to join him on his trip to Marrakech by train, which took 7 hours. Here most tourists can be found, but still it is worthwhile to go here, as it is really a live place and lots to see. Although we have not succeeded in discovering a proper nightlife. Saturday night we made an attempt to find any nightlife (girls) and went to a nightclub. We were early so the club was a bit empty. There was alcohol, which we ordered in the form of caiperinas, which cost more than one night in our hotel, but so often we are not to enjoy the Marrakech nightlife. Then it struck us that all the people around were very beautiful women, hmmm. Normally not a problem, on the contrary, but this could mean only one thing, they were at work. The place we were had apart from a bar also a room where you could dance, but it opened only later. We decided to leave the place for a teahouse (best alternative) nearby to return when the dancing opened, to hopefully find some normal women. Alas, when we returned, also there the only women present had to be paid for, although now much more men were present. By the way some of the girls really knew how to dance. So after a while of watching I decided I had been idle enough and entered the dance floor. Usually I get some female attention (I did not say positive:-), but now I did not get any, probably it was quite clear I was not to spend any on them. We went back to the hotel quite early that night.
The next day we stayed in Marrakech and did not much but being lazy and sitting on terraces. Apparently this is not good for me as I got a stomachache and went to bed early. Unfortunately I could not stay there for long as I had to run to the nearest (I could have chosen a different one as well of course) toilet to start a waterfall from my behind. This activity repeated itself about every 15 to 30 minutes. Much of sleep I did not get. In the middle of the night I also had to throw up and the only appropriate place to drop it was the sink. This of course was not ideal, as the chunks tend to block the holes. So I had to stir my own puke to let it walk away. I had hoped I would feel better afterwards, who would not, but I did not. I was a bit worried because we would take a bus at 8:30 in the morning. I decided to take some diarrhoea blockers and they worked wonder well. I had no problem for the whole trip to Ourzazate.
I am still lagging but will update soon.
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