Saturday, January 20, 2007

At the destination

When I am waiting for the ferry to depart, I see two similar bicycles to my bike being carried on board. They belong to two girls who have bought them at the same shop as I in Bangkok. In Penang I join them to the hostel they have booked, but when it turns out to be full I head to the one that was recommended to me by Willem and Annette. I stay close to the Indian neighborhood where I can enjoy a lot of nice street food. The next morning I head straight to the Indonesian consulate to arrange a visa. To my relief this seems to be no problem, I can even get 60 days, but I first have to buy a ticket to Indonesia. I rush back to the port to buy a ticket for next Tuesday after which I cycle as fast as I can back to the consulate. I can pick up the passport Monday morning. In the afternoon I wander into a bookshop and find a copy of “The count of Monte Christo” of Alexandre Dumas. It is not so much its fame that makes me buy it but its size. It has over 1400 pages which should keep me busy for a while so I do not have to search for a new one soon. Unfortunately I have not an awful lot to do, so I finish it on Monday. On Sunday I cycled around the island. It was not my intention, I just searched for a nice place to read my book when I ended up at the other side of the island. I decided to go around. I had misjudged the distance so I end up cycling in the dark. I had wind in the back and was going faster than the cars, overtaking them right and left. Exhausted and soaking wet I return at the hostel, but it was good to cycle again.

When I want to pick up my passport I am stopped at the gate of the consulate. To enter, I have to identify myself. I try to make clear that I came to pick up my passport so I cannot show it, only until a superior arrives I am allowed in. The clerk behind the desk recognizes me and swiftly hands me my passport, only after I promise to also visit Bali.

Early in the morning of Jan 9 I take the ferry to Belawan, Indonesia. Halfway, on mid sea and bigwaves, the engine suddenly stops. One of the crew jumps in the water to have a look under water. It is a bit unnerving to be without propulsion when you know recently a ferry sunk in Indonesian waters. After an hour we get going again, something was in the propeller. A few hours later we arrive on Indonesian soil, destination reached. My plan was to stay in Belawan, but I cannot get any money. Two atm’s are empty. This message is not conveyed in the screen though. I go through the whole process and when I am supposed to take the money nothing happens. Inside they tell me not to worry, the machine is empty. At the other bank with ATM, my card is not accepted. I see no other option but to cycle to Medan. I end up at the tollway, but after 5 km I am pulled up. I say it is no problem for me to cycle here and that I do it all the time. Not convinced by my arguments I am directed to another road close by, which also goes to Medan. It is fun to cycle here, people are very enthusiastic when I cycle by, but traffic is much more chaotic than in the previous countries. I constantly have to dodge cars and break hard to avoid bumping into suddenly stopping cars.

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